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I enjoy cleaning very much, it helps to relax me and helps me to remember where things are. I keep on top of my cleaning so things are easier to find.

I find that using wipes are better to use then sprays and you can find these at any supermarket.

I really like the Mr Sheen Multi Surface wipes, Dettol cleansing surface wipes and the Windolene glass and shiny surfaces wipes.

I recommend having a microfiber cloth in your cleaning cupboard, you don't need to use these all the time but they are good for an extra wipe if something is really wet.

I also recommend having a specific microfibre cloth for windows, glass and mirrors and other shiny surfaces.

I find having these Thick Moppets really useful. I have one for the kitchen and a separate one for the bathroom because I like to know which one is for which area.

This is what I use in my bathroom to clean the bath, sink and toilet and all sorts. I find that Cif works really well and it also smells delicious. I use the scrubbing brush after the sponge to help get a good clean.

I use Harpic toilet cleaner first and give it a good scrub with the toilet brush. Once this is done, I flush it away and then use Duck toilet cleaner and leave it in the toilet bowl, this really does fill the air with a lovely smell.

If you are looking for something to get rid of limescale, then Viakal is VERY good for that. I love this stuff and it has worked a treat on the limescale that I had in my kitchen and bathroom.

Cillit Bang is really good for getting rid of Black Mould. It is very strong so please be careful when using it.

Flash spray is a good all round cleaning spray to give you that extra shine.

The pink stuff is awesome for getting rid of tough stains and helps to clean the cooker and pots and pans etc.. this comes in different forms, like a spray, paste and cream.

An Audiobook I recommend is the 'Mrs Hinch - Hinch yourself happy' cleaning book. There are so many hints and tips in her book, it really is amazing. You can find it on the amazon store for Kindle or Audiobook.

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My name is Louise and I am 27 years old. 

I trained as a beauty therapist and have my own business. I enjoy a cocktail, going out for food, walking and I have a love for animals. I love doing fun stuff like going off to London for the weekend along with many other things. 

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